Episode 166 - Mix Tapes of Our Lives
Stu and Justin show their ages as they discuss the mix tapes of our lives and try to develop modern mix tapes of our lives. Bring the No. 2 pencil and join in.
Hanlon’s razor
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
Daiso “gentle touch” 0.5mm gel pen.
Product detail Fountain pen M805 Blue Dunes B
Montblanc Midnight Blue - Fountain Pen Companion
Review: M600 Vibrant Orange (2018) - The Pelikan's Perch The Pelikan's Perch
Diamine Honey Burst - Fountain Pen Companion
Drehgriffel Nr. 2, Pencil - LEUCHTTURM1917
BOLT: Titanium Retractable Fountain Pen by ENSSO — Kickstarter
Montblanc Modena Red - Fountain Pen Companion
Craft Design Technology Multifunctional Pen – Ugmonk
Kirtan Wallah (Deluxe Version) - Album by Krishna Das - Apple Music
Heart Full of Soul - Album by Krishna Das - Apple Music
BBC Radio 2.
Lime Training and Consultancy - Specialists in anti money laundering
E-mail me at hello@stuartlennon.com
Beyond Your Front Door - YouTube
Email us: stationeryadjacent@gmail.com